The roof of a home or building is most definitely one of the most practical structures. Without the roof, protecting yourself from the elements would be very hard to achieve no matter the size of the dwelling. Just think about it for a second; four walls with no roof doesn’t serve any purpose and “mother nature” will remind us all how illogical that concept would be. For those who are in the building or the renovation process, figuring out the best style of roofing can be a bit tricky as both have their positives and negatives. Climate, weather situations, and practicality should be taken into consideration long before any work has begun. This article is written to give you, “the home owner,” more insight on the best options that are currently available, which will aide you in making the best possible choice for your situation.
Which Roofing Route To Take?
Honestly, this question can only be answered by you, the homeowner. Though contractors can and will give you sound advice on the pros and cons, the final decision is always yours. One of the most important things to consider would be maintenance especially if you’re a homeowner. Are you physically able to climb up a ladder? Do you have good enough balance for standing/walking on sloped angles? Weather, weather, and more weather. This is probably one of the most asked about topics when it comes to roofing. In general, houses tend to have sloped roofing and businesses generally tend to go the flat route. This is only in general terms as there are many homes with flat roofing structures. If you’re residing in an area where there is a lot of snow fall and ice, flat roofing might not be the better route to take. Snow and ice is extremely heavy and if you’re someone who procrastinates, you’d be risking some serious structure damage.
If you’re someone who’s into architecture then sloped roofs are better. The angles and sharp design of the slopes physically looks more attractive than something that is rather flat. Some home and business owners shy away from flat surfaces because of a lack of information. Rain water is the culprit and many people think that the precipitation will collect an become stagnant. Contemporary flat roofs are implemented with membrane systems. These innovative systems are water tight and are designed to allow rainwater to roll off into the dwelling’s gutter system.
“Other Reasons For Going Flat”
If you’re into being energy efficient, flat roofs allows you takes full advantage of the sun. Sloped surfaces only catch sun rays at certain angles. Installation costs. Sloped surfaces have larger surface areas than flat surfaces and every square foot is accounted for in labor and material costs. Flat vs slope is an age old debate, but the best thing to do is to go with whatever surface fits your needs the best.