Re Roof

Water Ponding: Why is it worst for your roof and leads to re-roof?

Water ponding, as the term explains, is a condition where water remains stagnant on your rooftop due to fault in the roof surface and lead to re-roof eventually.

It is a common problem and can happen with any rooftop due to a number of reasons. Generally, improper installation or hiring immature roofers are the reasons behind water ponding.

However, it’s not a fatal condition and can be easily avoided by being aware and alert. A well-designed, installed and maintained roof never faces the water ponding problem once in its lifetime.

Mostly, it is recommended by roofers to have a slight slope of at least 1/4¬” per foot to allow the easy flow of water and also, avoid the water ponding issue in the later years of roofs.

If your roof has water ponding issue and you are not doing anything about it, then we would like to enlighten you about the adverse effects it can have on your roof for a lifetime.

Please read the following effects of water ponding on a rooftop;

Permanent damage to the surface of roof

The stagnant water on the roof can deform the surface. The deck structure would deflate, creating more space for water ponding.

The structure and surface of your roof will be compromised and damaged permanently. Regardless to say, it will be really hard to get the damage undone or repaired.

Exposure of upper membrane to brutal weather

The surface that’s been deflated already by ponding water will not stop there. The damage will increase as the time passes due to the impact of weather.

If the house is located in a cold area, the snow and ice will ensure the surface and upper membrane of the roof is destroyed completely.

Algae and other bacteria

Of course, we cannot forget the other consequences of stagnant water. The water is not only damaging your rooftop but also inviting algae, bacteria, and germs.

Such vegetation growth is not good for the roof. It invites more dirt and debris. These things can clog the drain. Also, the may increase the volume of standing water.

An open area for filth

Your rooftop will become an open area for filth and dirt. The stagnant water will serve as a magnet to dirt, contaminants, debris and more. It is not good for the environment and don’t forget about the permanent damages it is causing to the surface.

To avoid, water ponding, the best practice is to be extremely careful when laying down the roof. It should have a perfect amount of slope. You should check if water is staying on the surface or not. Proper water ponding tests should be conducted.

In case, you have not built the house but bought it, we will recommend you to keep regular checks on the roof. Also, get a professional to test your roof for water ponding probability.

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